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OYL-605 Lactobacillus Blend Yeast

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This blend contains two Lactobacillus species — brevis and plantarum — giving the blend a wide active temperature range. The Lactobacillus plantarum strain was isolated in collaboration with Marz Community Brewing from a starter inoculated with whole malt grains. It sours efficiently at lower temperatures (65F-100F) compared to other Lactobacillus species. To use the blend for kettle souring a 5 gallon batch, prepare a 1 liter starter of approximately 1.040 specific gravity and pour contents of pouch into unhopped starter. Incubate 24-48 hours at room temperature to increase cell count. Prepare wort as normal and cool to 75-95F. Pitch Lactobacillus starter into unhopped wort and allow to sour to desired level. Maximum levels of sourness should develop within 48 hours. There is no need to hold the temperatures at the high end of the range for effective souring due to the efficient action of plantarum at lower temperatures. When desired sourness is achieved, re-boil wort to kill Lactobacillus.  Add hops at this time if desired.  This blend is extremely hop sensitive.  Souring may not occur in worts with 2 or more IBUs.  Cool wort and pitch yeast to complete fermentation.


  • Strain Type: Bacterial Cultures
  • Temperature Range: 68–95° F (20–35° C)

3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Sour beer? More like Sour Beer.

    Posted by Timothy Sonderman on 18th Sep 2017

    Dumped this into my coolish wort and a couple days later, the PH and lowered a bunch. Just what the doctor ordered. Really does the job. I've done it with high gravity, low gravity, 5 gallons, 3 gallons, it all works.

  • 5
    Best Kettle Souring blend out there

    Posted by Andrew on 2nd Dec 2016

    Mindlessly easy to use. Works so fast you don't even really need to pre-acidify unless you care about head retention. Works in hours, at room temperature. I've propagated it for several generations, and it still works great.

  • 4
    Fast Souring

    Posted by ian on 22nd Jan 2016

    Used in a kettle soured Berliner. Pre-acidified wort down to sub 4.5ph and pitched a 1L starer of the blend @ ~95F after purging wort and kettle headspace with CO2. Checked ph around 15 hours later at wort was down to 3.5ph, much faster drop than the usual 24hr plus times I've read about for other strains. Boiled 10 min and proceeded at usual with ams ale strain. Final result was a nice clean, bright lactic sour charector. Would use this strain again...very fast souring , maybe in conjunction with a third lactose strain to get some additional complexity